We provide design, consultancy and site contracting services in support of all areas of our work, either as a turnkey package or to fulfil particular work sections of larger projects.
Countryside infrastructure & access work

Rights of Way management such as path building, bank stabilisation, vegetation cutting, drainage works, gates and fencing.

Structures including bridges, boardwalks, pond dipping platforms, cattle grids, steps and ramps.

Signage, waymarking, seating and sculptural installations.

Water supply and livestock trough systems.
Habitat management

Production of management plans for terrestrial and aquatic habitats.

Heathland management including scrub work and felling, heather and gorse mowing, scrapes, veteranizing trees, drainage blocking.

Woodland management: felling, thinning, coppicing and planting.

Grassland management including scrub management, mowing and cut & collect operations.

Hedgerow management: flailing, laying, coppicing & gapping up.

Aquatic habitat management including wet grassland and fen to ponds, lakes and rivers.

Invasive and injurious weed control.

Habitat creation

Survey, design, specification and project management from small areas to large integrated schemes requiring master planning and phased delivery.

Terrestrial habitat creation; earthmoving and groundworks, ground preparation and seeding, planting, ecological enhancement features.

Ponds, riverbank and wetland creation.

Aquatic and terrestrial planting and establishment.
SuDS and natural flood management

Site survey, modelling, hydrology and water budgets.

Landscaping and native planting schemes to trap pollutants, attenuate water and maximise biodiversity.

Installation and maintenance.
Captive breeding, ark sites and reintroduction support services

Feasibility studies, site investigation, reports.

Animal enclosures with associated species requirements.

Design and build of rearing facilities.
Client testimonial
“Following recommendations from colleagues here at Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, I have been delighted to work with Morton : Pattison to establish a new safe haven for Hampshire’s endangered white-clawed crayfish, the only species of crayfish native to the UK. Their ability to understand the ecological needs of the species, and apply that to their design and delivery plans for the creation of a new pond in north Hampshire, has made our decade long quest to create a crayfish arksite a real possibility.”
- Dr Ben Rushbrook, Principal Ecologist, Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust